
Vehicle Spray Painting Through MOMO  PRO Vinyl cutter
Tired of the limited designs of vehicle stickers available in the market? The MOMO Application Lab of the month introduces scooter spray painting. With MOMO  PRO cutting plotters, you can transform the famous Japanese character Hello Kitty into an edgy vehicle painting rapidly and the effect will stun you and your friends!

You also need vinyl and spray paint to complete this application.

MOMO MINI <a  data-cke-saved-href= href= target='_blank'>cutting plotter</a>

Create a new file with contour line in CorelDraw and set the contour line width as 0.001mm.

Go to "Print" under "File".

Go to the Layout page and select Bottom left corner at “Reposition images to”.

Load the material onto MOMO cutting plotter and click "Print" to start cutting the pattern.

Weed the material and keep only the pattern for painting. Attach the pattern on the scooter front cover and apply the paint.

MOMO cutting plotter, vinyl and spray paint form a wonderful alternative of conventional vehicle decorations, making your vehicle stand out through a few simple steps.